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Characteristics of the Venica vineyards

Venica’s vineyards occupy an area of 40 hectares and are located on different hills in the Collio region, each one of which, facing a different direction, has its own particular microclimate. This gives our wines an incredible complexity.

The soils of the Collio region, known as “Ponca“, are composed of marl and sandstone dating back to the Eocene period.

These stratifications that are also partly rocky are easily broken down by the weather pattern, that creates coarse elements that initially result in a granular soil and later in a very fine one.

Over several seasons, this becomes an ideal substrate for viticulture, that provides minerals and flavour to our wines.


ronco delle mele vigneto 2023

Ronco delle Mele Vineyard

On the North-West side of Cerò hill begins the growing of Sauvignon vines and the two owners mature the awareness that this is the best location to obtain wines with great aromaticity.

The apple trees are already there, they were planted by Daniele, but the first vines of Sauvignon R3 (a selection made by Rauscedo) were settled by Gianni and Giorgio in 1984.

The idea of “Ronco delle Mele” project takes shape.

Naso prepotentemente elegante, ma in bocca vino di corpo con note finali di vellutate morbidezze.

ronco delle cime 2023 vigneto

Ronco delle Cime Vineyard

The purchase of 5 hectares in location Cime, our highest vineyard, is finalized. Here the hill is very steep, characterized by several micro-climates and surrounded by forests.

The exposure is ideal to produce excellent Friulano grapes and implement the project ‘Spirit of the Place’ with “Ronco delle Cime“ Friulano.

ronco cerò vigneto 2023

Ronco del Cerò Vineyard

The winery purchases the whole hill of Cerò, thus reaching a total area of 12 hectares.

From 1995 the project “Spirit of the place” starts to take shape with the first production of “Ronco delle Mele” Sauvignon DOC Collio, to differentiate from “Ronco del Cerò” which assembles the vinifications of Sauvignon grapes coming from the other vineyards.

jesera vigneto 2023

Jesera Vineyard

The studying of the best locations for each grape variety goes on with the purchase of “Jesera” vineyard in the valley area close to the company’s buildings. In this case: Pinot Grigio.

ronco bernizza 2023 vigneto

Ronco Bernizza Vineyard

The aquisition of larger portions of land begins with 5 hectares of vineyards in location Bernizza. On the North-West side of the hill, in the hearth of a wooded area rich in biodiversity, is found the ideal exposure for Chardonnay vines. The target is giving this international grape variety a strong territory influence that brings, in the glass, structure and elegance.

meden vigneto 2023

Meden Vineyard

By buying 5 hectares in location Meden, the winery increases its production of Ribolla Gialla, ancient vine from Friuli that well represents the transition from one generation to the other one.

With vintage 2007, Gianni and Giorgio dedicate to their father the wine “L’Adelchi”, to honour and thank him for his precious treasure, especially for his important teachings of wise farmer with a special focus on human values and respect for nature.


Ruttars Vineyard

Venica aquires also a piece of land in the wonderful location of Ruttars, with 5 hectares of vineyards facing Collio’s hills and the Julian pre-Alps in the background.

This slope gives to its wines a perfect balance of freshness and minerality.


For our company environmental sustainability is the starting point of a process that combines the interests of producers and consumers alike and focuses attention on the uniqueness of each wine as the expression of a specific production process. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of the land and protecting biodiversity. By doing this, we add value to our business and become “guardians” of the territory.

In 2006 we turned to photovoltaic panels to produce power and domestic hot water.

In 2007 came into operation the wood-fired boiler of 60 kW powered by the wood of our fields for the heating of the cellars and the rooms of Wine Resort.

In 2011, we joined V.I.V.A. SUSTAINABLE WINE – Assessment of the Impact of Viticulture on the Environment – a National Pilot Project launched by the Ministry of the Environment in collaboration with nine companies and three research centres for a sustainable “Made in Italy” wine.
The project measures the sustainability performance of the vine-wine chain, starting with a calculation of water and carbon footprints.


In 2017 along with increase of the tourism in the territory we decided to broaden our green approach in this sector too. So we provided the winery with charging stations for electic vehicles and an area reserved for Tesla, in addition to the possibility to charge electric bikes.

New: first sustainability report

On February 17, 2019, Venica & Venica presented their network of agents with their first sustainability report, which only has to be submitted by large listed companies.


La sostenibilità ambientale è per la nostra azienda il punto di partenza di un processo che vede uniti produttori e consumatori. E che focalizza l’attenzione sull’unicità di ciascun vino come espressione della singola realtà produttiva. Impegnandoci per il mantenimento dell’integrità del terreno e tutelando la biodiversità diamo valore aggiunto alla nostra attività e diventiamo “sentinelle” del territorio.

Nel 2011 abbiamo aderito a V.I.V.A. SUSTAINABLE WINE – Valutazione dell’impatto della Viticoltura sull’Ambiente – progetto nazionale pilota avviato dal Ministero dell’Ambiente in collaborazione con nove aziende e tre centri di ricerca per il vino sostenibile “Made in Italy”. Il progetto va a misurare la performance di sostenibilità della filiera vite-vino, a partire dal calcolo delle impronte dell’acqua e del carbonio (Water and Carbon footprint).

Il 17 febbraio 2019 la Venica & Venica ha illustrato alla rete dei suoi agenti il suo primo bilancio di sostenibilità, un documento che solo le grandi aziende quotate in borsa sono tenute a presentare. 


La sostenibilità ambientale è per la nostra azienda il punto di partenza di un processo che vede uniti produttori e consumatori. E che focalizza l’attenzione sull’unicità di ciascun vino come espressione della singola realtà produttiva. Impegnandoci per il mantenimento dell’integrità del terreno e tutelando la biodiversità diamo valore aggiunto alla nostra attività e diventiamo “sentinelle” del territorio.

Nel 2011 abbiamo aderito a V.I.V.A. SUSTAINABLE WINE – Valutazione dell’impatto della Viticoltura sull’Ambiente – progetto nazionale pilota avviato dal Ministero dell’Ambiente in collaborazione con nove aziende e tre centri di ricerca per il vino sostenibile “Made in Italy”. Il progetto va a misurare la performance di sostenibilità della filiera vite-vino, a partire dal calcolo delle impronte dell’acqua e del carbonio (Water and Carbon footprint).

Il 17 febbraio 2019 la Venica & Venica ha illustrato alla rete dei suoi agenti il suo primo bilancio di sostenibilità, un documento che solo le grandi aziende quotate in borsa sono tenute a presentare. 


For our company environmental sustainability is the starting point of a process that combines the interests of producers and consumers alike and focuses attention on the uniqueness of each wine as the expression of a specific production process. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of the land and protecting biodiversity. By doing this, we add value to our business and become “guardians” of the territory.

In 2006 we turned to photovoltaic panels to produce power and domestic hot water.

In 2007 came into operation the wood-fired boiler of 60 kW powered by the wood of our fields for the heating of the cellars and the rooms of Wine Resort.

In 2011, we joined V.I.V.A. SUSTAINABLE WINE – Assessment of the Impact of Viticulture on the Environment – a National Pilot Project launched by the Ministry of the Environment in collaboration with nine companies and three research centres for a sustainable “Made in Italy” wine.
The project measures the sustainability performance of the vine-wine chain, starting with a calculation of water and carbon footprints.


In 2017 along with increase of the tourism in the territory we decided to broaden our green approach in this sector too. So we provided the winery with charging stations for electic vehicles and an area reserved for Tesla, in addition to the possibility to charge electric bikes.

New: first sustainability report

On February 17, 2019, Venica & Venica presented their network of agents with their first sustainability report, which only has to be submitted by large listed companies.

Venica & Venica Di Gianni Venica e C. S.S. Società Agricola

Location Cerò 8 34070 Dolegna del Collio (Go)
 (+39) 0481 61264

The shop is open Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On Saturdays in January, the shop will be closed.


"Venica & Venica
is VIVA certified

Venica & Venica Di Gianni Venica e C. S.S. Società Agricola

Location Cerò 8 34070 Dolegna del Collio (Go)
 (+39) 0481 61264

The shop is open Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On Saturdays in January, the shop will be closed.

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"Venica & Venica
is VIVA certified

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