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Wednesday 30 June saw the writing of an important chapter in the history of Collio. During the press conference, held at the Pascolo winery in Ruttars, Marco Felluga, the great wine patriarch and promoter of this project, presented the 'Pinot Bianco Enterprise Network'.

Rete d’impresa Pinot Bianco nel Collio

This association brings together seven of the area's historic and important wineries in a project that aims to promote Pinot Bianco in Collio by identifying the optimal 'sites' in each winery. Like a family, in which everyone supports each other, so too these wineries - Castello di Spessa, Livon, Pascolo, Russiz Superiore, Schioppetto, Toros and Venica&Venica - have chosen to unite their intentions and stand up to protect their land.

Rete d’impresa Pinot Bianco nel Collio | con Serena VenicaPinot Bianco nel Collio


For more than 150 years, this grape variety has found a permanent home in Collio, enhancing its identity and becoming the symbol of a production of excellence in a region known the world over for its white wines. This terroir, vocated for the production of long-lived and structured wines, allows the Pinot Bianco grape to exalt its intrinsic specificities in an elegant manner.

It is a grape variety that requires a great deal of care in agronomic management, but the effort is repaid by the notes of extreme elegance contained in the glass. A wine for sharing, an intimate wine that, with its finesse, conquers and unites people, creating new bonds.

VENICA & VENICA PINOT BIANCO Talis _Photo ©Carola Nitsch


Taking up the words of Liliana Savioli, in her article 'Seven Companies for Pinot Bianco. Rete d'impresa nel Collio', << Venica&Venica's Talís with its verticality and length takes us to a mountain meadow below the three peaks of Lavaredo>>. In fact, the word Talís in Friulano indicates the dandelion plant whose flower colours our wild meadows with yellow buttons. It is a straw-yellow wine that, on the nose, exhibits splendid and persistent notes of chamomile, cornflower blossom and rennet apple; this elegance typical of the grape variety is also reflected on the palate with a decisive, lively yet gentle sip.


As we raise a glass of Talís, let us toast together to this wonderful project.

WINE RECIPES among 'the women of wine

On the occasion of 'Women's Day
WINE RECIPES - Synergy and the pleasure of sharing between 'the women of wine'


Winemaker : Ornella Venica of Venica & Venica

Restaurateur : Adriana Rizzotti - "Al Ponte di Gradisca d'Isonzo" Restaurant

Sommelier & journalist: Patrizia Pittia




Pumpkin and Fasolari gnocchi






Name of wine: Malvasia 'Petris' DOC Collio

Name of winery: Venica & Venica


Malvasia Istriana, a white grape of Greek origin, was brought to Italy by the Venetians during the Serenissima period via Dalmatia and Istria. In Friuli Venezia Giulia it has found its natural habitat, in Collio the sandstone marls give it aromaticity, freshness, flavour and minerality.

A complex wine that finds the right combination: the sweet tendency of the pumpkin gnocchi and the sea flavour of the fasolari meet the freshness and savouriness of the malvasia for a perfect closure of cleanliness and aromaticity.


Pumpkin gnocchi is a classic dish in Friulian trattorias and homes, especially in autumn when it is found in abundance.

Fasolari are delicious molluscs with very soft flesh and a strong salt content. They are found in the Upper Adriatic area. Their habitat is the seabed, and their aesthetically pleasing shell in various shades of orange makes them suitable for refined and impressive dishes.


Recipe difficulty: fairly easy

Time required: 90 minutes


Doses for 4 people

1 Kg. pumpkin - 2 egg yolks - pinch of salt - 100 gr. flour - nutmeg - 1 kg. fasolari - one garlic clove - parsley - Evoà oil



Steam the pumpkin, after cooling and draining it add the egg yolks, salt, flour and nutmeg. Cook the gnocchi in lightly salted water and when cooked, drain and cool. Chop the fasolari and pan-fry them with half a clove of garlic, add a tablespoon of cooking water, add the gnocchi and a sprinkling of parsley.


Schioppettino: A visionary red

Following the thoughts of journalist Carlo Cambi, it is certainly unusual that a winery, known and multi-awarded for its white wines, should rely instead on a red to celebrate its 90th anniversary! And that's not all: Venica&Venica, going to the roots of its viticulture, has chosen an identifiable but niche red: Ribolla Nera.

Not familiar? Then follow us to discover together the origins of this novelty that will arrive in 2020, in the year Venica & Venica celebrates its 90th anniversary.



By Carlo Cambi in 'La Verità', June 2020

"It could only begin with a coup de theatre this palindrome and bisesto 2020 for the Venicas. Gianni is used to amazement, Giorgio is not, he as a former pilot values every trifle, but he let himself be drawn by his brother into an oenological oxymoron.

The Venicas owe their ample and well-deserved fame, also built up by Ornella with patient word and deed work and now flanked by Serena, to the whites: the great Ronco Cime Friulano and Ronco Mele, perhaps the most distinctive of the Sauvignons produced in Italy. Can you expect that to celebrate a historic year, 90 vintages since the founder Daniele Venica started the company, they would rely on a red? That's not enough: they have chosen, going to the roots of their viticulture, an identity red, but a niche one: Ribolla Nera."




Gianni and Giorgio Venica with their latest creation: Schioppettino.

Pictured is a moment from the 2020 vintage with freshly harvested grapes.

Schioppettino | Venica & Venica Vendemmia 2020

Schioppettino: the identity of the Judrio valley


"Not familiar? Then let's call it Schioppettino: a grape variety that is the identity of the Judrio valley, the former Austro-Hungarian and now Slovenian border. It was such a neglected vine that in the mid-twentieth century they removed it from the Friuli Venezia Giulia wine registers. There was a half revolt by the vine growers of Prepotto and finally Schioppettino came back to life. In the sunshine of a valley plunging from the Julian Pre-Alps.

It was, like Ribolla Gialla, the wine of the countryside, and today it has returned to excellence, complex and unmistakable as it is. The Venicas have invested ten years in this rebirth. Five to have the first good harvest, another six to age the Schioppettino, first in wood fifteen months, then in glass five years. The 2012 vintage is now on the market, and the bottle, a borgognotta - and this too is unique for the Venicas - bears on the label an extract from the 1930 deed of purchase of the winery's main body.

The colour is an intense, brilliant ruby, the nose explosive with wild blackberry, raspberry with accentuated pepper and musky undertones, the palate is, as in the style of the house, caressing, ample. It is a Venica and so the return is eternal on sweetly spiced notes. A wine for red meats, for savoury pastas, for hard cheeses. For me with polenta with mushrooms, Montasio and D'Osvaldo ham."

Il Friulano delle Cime

Tale of a Stellar Tasting





The testimony of 30 years in 12 vintages



Ornella Venica | Dolegna del Collio | 04.06.2019


My acquaintance with Gianluca Castellano dates back to 30 April 2019 when he proposed, calling me strictly Lei, a vertical tasting of 8-10 vintages of "Ronco delle Cime" Friulano for the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italian Sommelier Association magazine "Il Mangiavino".

The contacts continue and formality turns into friendship. The date of the tasting was set, 4 June 2019, as were all the organisational details including the identification of the participants: Renzo Zorzi, AIS FVG Delegate and author of the texts, Fabrice Gallina, photographer of the reportage and, of course, Gianluca Castellano, sommelier and conductor of the intriguing tasting of 12 vintages selected over a 30-year period, from 1989 to 2018. Even today when I think of that tasting I still get chills!!!

Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica
Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica _Photo ©Carola Nitsch



Dall’articolo “IL FRIULANO DELLE CIME” pubblicato in MANGIAVINO n.21, la rivista dell’Associazione Italiana Sommelier del Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

>>> Leggete l’intero Articolo


MangiaVino n21 | Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica
Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica
MangiaVino n21 | Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica

In casa Venica non era mai stata organizzata una degustazione spinta ad una così grande profondità.


La famiglia Venica alle 10 del mattino fa l’ingresso nella sala di degustazione al gran completo. Siamo tutti elettrizzati, in primis mio cognato Giorgio, maestro di cantina: i vini sono il risultato del suo grande impegno quotidiano, sia in vigneto che in cantina. E’ quasi maniacale nel seguire i dettagli; i vini sono tutti figli suoi.

Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica

Mio marito Gianni, il capofamiglia, sovraintende tutte le attività e stimola i componenti della famiglia a migliorare, a raggiungere nuovi traguardi, e gioisce dei nostri risultati.

Entrano poi in scena i ragazzi, Giampaolo, Marta e Serena, che con rispetto si apprestano a partecipare ad un evento straordinario. In casa Venica non era mai stata organizzata una degustazione spinta ad una così grande profondità.

Con un po’ di ritardo arriva anche Carola Nitsch: architetto e fotografa che giorno dopo giorno fissa, con i suoi scatti e i reportage sui nostri profili social, la vita quotidiana della Venica&Venica.

Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica

 Mario Soldati: “il vino è la poesia della terra

Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica _Photo ©Carola Nitsch
Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica

My role is limited to recounting the emotions arising from the uncorking of each vintage ...

... to the 1989 production.

The bottle is opened in religious silence and Giorgio gets tears in his eyes when that nectar is poured...

We can well quote the words of Mario Soldati: 'wine is the poetry of the earth'.

Friulano Ronco delle Cime DOC Collio | Degustazione di 12 annate | Venica & Venica

Tutte le immagini della degustazione del “Friulano delle Cime”:


RONCO DEL CERO' - One of the best wines to get through quarantine


Venica & Venica is honoured to have been listed by FORBES as one of the best 15 wines to drink... to make the most of this period of self-isolation!


Victoria James, beverage director of the Michelin-starred restaurant "Cote" in New York City and author of 'Wine Girl,' recommends in an article published in FORBES our "RONCO DEL CERO'", Sauvignon 2017 DOC Collio and says:

"In the far northeast of Italy in the Friuli region, the Venica & Venica winery is located just a stone's throw from the Slovenian border. Ronco del Cerò is the name of the hill where Giampaolo Venica's great-grandfather first planted Sauvignon Blanc vines,' says James. "For me, the wine always tastes similar to Sancerre and the Californian examples. But it has more weight and tropical notes. Giampaolo ferments the wine on his yeasts which gives it a kind of softness on the palate and extra flavour. It is my favourite to drink with polenta, but it is also great with poultry, pork and pasta with clams and olive oil."




INSIEME ... facing a common enemy!!!

At this very difficult time, it is very close to our hearts to turn our minds back to a symbolic wine: our 'INSIEME' Merlot 2001. A symbol for us of the partnership between West and East in 2011 after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

And once again #together to face a common enemy!!!

And that is why we heartily share the thought of @OpenBottle_Italy addressed to our "TOGETHER" Merlot 2001:


"At a time of great difficulty, uncertainty and concern it is vital to turn to determined hope. East and West once again #together to face a common enemy. Two sides of the same coin, once again called upon to support each other. The mind then returns to the wine that symbolises this partnership, Insieme 2001 Merlot by Venica & Venica.

It took 10 years to make this wine, an extremely rare Merlot pride of a great white wine cellar, an oenological jewel reserved for a few and put on the market on a one-off basis.

Wine is also and above all this, a symbol of unity, brotherhood, closeness and conviviality; not subject to geographical or socio-economic barriers. Now more than ever, let us think about when we can all sit around a table again and joyfully share this bottle, a symbol of strength, hope, rebirth and pride.

Stay home, stay strong.

We will come back stronger than before Italy'

Thanks again to Filippo Toson @OpenBottle_Italy !!!

#iorestoacasa #friuliveneziagiulia #merlot #Insieme #Venica #wineislife #hope #staystrong #friends #together

Insieme Merlot 2001 di Venica & Venica

Wine News : Venica & Venica, aid for earthquake-stricken Japan


The story of our INSIEME Merlot 2001 and the solidarity project told by Ornella Venica in this short interview on WineNewsTV:

A red sun on a white field: that's the flag of Japan. And then a big red from a 'white' winery to make a contribution to the country hit by the tsunami. The idea of Venica & Venica, one of the most important names in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Here is the merlot 'Insieme 2001', grown in the vineyard of the famous Perilla and cared for for ten years, to a charity fund for Japan.

Telling Venica wines | Ornella Venica in Milan

Little stories about the origin of 3 of Venica's wines - Ribolla Gialla L'Adelchi, Pinot Bianco Talis and Friulano (ex Tocaj) Ronco delle Cime - told by Ornella Venica during a tasting at the HOSTERIA DI VIA STOPPANI on 26 - 28 June 2019 in Milan.

Here are the 4 Venica Wines at the Tasting - Dinner .

Pinot Bianco Talis, DOC Collio 2018. "Talis" in Friulian means "dandelion". The tasting characteristics of this wine and its bouquet are reminiscent of field grasses and rennet apple.
Ribolla Gialla L'Adelchi, DOC Collio 2018. Gianni and Giorgio Venica dedicated this wine to their father in 2007. L'Adelchi represents the bond and the passing of the baton from one generation to the next. Its bouquet is reminiscent of wood, chestnut and acacia.
Friulano, ex Tocaj, Ronco delle Cime, DOC Collio 2018. Friulano is a wine that tells the stories of a borderland, linked to the traditions of a family and a land. 'Ronco delle Cime' is the area name of the vineyard and is one of the Venica family's important labels. The Friulano has fruity notes of apple, banana, white peach and pear.
Verduzzo Toblar, IGT Venezia Giulia 2012. 'Toblar' is the place where the grapes are dried and gives this wine its name. Verduzzo giallo has very ancient autochthonous origins and its grape varieties are mainly found in the areas of origin. Toblar has an acacia aroma and a balanced honey flavour.

Paired with a Friulano menu.
Lentil pate, Prawns "Busara" style, Salviade (fried sage)
"Cjalsons alle Erbe with smoked ricotta cheese
Cevàpcici with celeriac and carrot salad
Giuly's Tiramisu

Video / Photos taken by Chantal Borella Roy, Veryzest



GIFT VOUCHERS: Winery visit and wine tasting

GIFT VOUCHERS for a visit to our historical wine cellar with wine tasting.

A different gift for a wine-loving friend, for parents ... or even better: for yourself?

We offer GIFT VOUCHERS that can be used for a visit to our historical wine cellar, followed by a guided tasting of our wines and accompanied by typical local cheeses.




For further information please visit our page: WINE TASTINGS

For information call us >> Tel. 0481 61264

or contact us by e-mail >>

WOMEN OF FOOD: Ornella Venica

Ornella: 'the earth is our home, we must care for it and protect it'.


For Venica & Venica, sustainability is certainly not a marketing slogan, it is a daily commitment that starts far away.

An interview in 'WOMEN OF FOOD' with Ornella Venica dedicated to the topic of sustainability, the important road that VENICA & VENICA has taken by joining the special project for sustainable viticulture called V.I.V.A together with other companies in the wine chain from different Italian regions. VENICA & VENICA on 17 February will present its first sustainability report to its network of agents, a document that only large listed companies are required to present.


"THE WOMEN OF FOOD" - The champions of Italian Agribusiness

by Alessandra Apicella

"Last year, 650 guests stayed at the Venica & Venica estate, and the most common reaction is always the same, amazement: they had seen the pictures on the website, but here everything is more beautiful in person. "They are won over by the green, which in this land has hundreds of shades and which instils a sense of peace and balance, they confide it to us but then they talk about it with friends and acquaintances, they become our best ambassadors," says Ornella.

Ornella is Gianni's wife, the company and its land are her home, she has been telling them with passion for 32 years as the whole family does.

The brothers Gianni and Giorgio are the third generation of the Venica family, but today the fourth generation is also entering the field, the sons, who, with the same attachment to the land and its fruits, are committing themselves to a path of continuous improvement and enhancement. Everyone is carving out a different role for themselves, but they all know very well how their wine is made and know the secrets of their soils.

"Collio is an area of 1300 hectares, famous for its DOC wine, which it produces and exports all over the world. 7 million bottles a year are produced. - says Ornella - Our company occupies the northernmost part of Collio, there are 40 hectares located on different hills, each with different microclimates, and we are 40 metres from the sea as the crow flies. A magical situation that infuses the wine with unique and multifaceted nuances."


The company has long been committed to sustainability.


"In the beginning, our ancestors cultivated respecting the rhythms and needs of nature," Ornella says, "then there was the boom of efficiency and productivity.  Herbicides and synthetic products helped to ward off insects and diseases, everything seemed to give faster more results. But at some point we realised the tide of damage we were helping to create. This way of operating was ruining the land, we started to study and came to scientifically discover that our ancestors had made the right choices. We went back to basics, we switched to organic and biodynamic. And the health of the land and the quality of the wine proved us right'.


Pilot project for sustainable viticulture: V.I.V.A.


In 2011, the Ministry of the Environment, in cooperation with a number of universities, launched a special project for sustainable viticulture called V.I.V.A. and Venica & Venica participates in it with other companies in the wine chain from various Italian regions. It is a pilot project based on a scrupulous path that has all stages - from cultivation to production, to bottling - monitored according to four parameters: water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity and social relationship.

"It is truly a complex path, which involves continuous improvement and all stages must be recorded and certified by an external body. Each new milestone is the starting point for better results. In 2013, the first certification arrived and we were very proud of it. We are passionate about sustainability because we love our land. We are certain that only by committing ourselves to respect nature and mankind will we be able to leave our children and our children's children all the resources they need to live well."


New at Venica: The first sustainability report


Venica & Venica on 17 February will present its first sustainability report to its agent network, a document that only large listed companies are required to present. This is a strong and important signal for the precious little company in Collio."

Venica & Venica Di Gianni Venica e C. S.S. Società Agricola

Location Cerò 8 34070 Dolegna del Collio (Go)
 (+39) 0481 61264

The shop is open Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On Saturdays in January, the shop will be closed.


"Venica & Venica
is VIVA certified

Venica & Venica Di Gianni Venica e C. S.S. Società Agricola

Location Cerò 8 34070 Dolegna del Collio (Go)
 (+39) 0481 61264

The shop is open Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On Saturdays in January, the shop will be closed.

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"Venica & Venica
is VIVA certified

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