Come nascono i nostri vini
The scent of the earth

"...Then an old man, who had an inn, asked: - Tell us about eating and drinking - And he said: I wish you could live on the earthly perfume, nourished like a plant by the light...-"
(The Eating and Drinking - K.Gibran)
(pp.44-45 of the Report with some additions)
The things in red I added, if you want to check
That scent of damp earth, mown grass and undergrowth that reminds us of the carefree afternoons of our childhood in the country...
The scent of the earth tells us so much about its state of health and, even if it is intangible and not objectively measurable, when it is good it gives us an intimate pleasure that warms the heart and lets us know we are on the right track.
We like to consider our approach as close as possible to a virtuous cycle consisting of the natural resources borrowed from the planet, our management of the land and vineyards that our ancestors entrusted to us, and our production strategy.
It is in our vision, in fact, to consider this magnificent territory as a heritage that has been entrusted to us to be not only safeguarded but also enhanced. Safeguarding the environment that surrounds us is a duty towards the next generations, and it is an honour for us to be its ambassadors by implementing good practices in the management of the land and vineyards that our ancestors have left in our care. On the other hand, respect for nature is one of the precious values handed down to us by grandfather Daniele and, later, by father Adelchi, sentinel of the territory.
We have therefore well understood that, in this cycle, every one of our daily actions has an impact and that we have the future of our children in our hands and under our feet. Being sustainable means first and foremost acting consciously: knowing, reflecting, deciding, planning and acting - in other words, 'doing good to do good'.
This is why we adopt good practices throughout our production chain and why respect for the environment is also a fundamental selection criterion when choosing our partners.